Dwelling With God E-News Columns

"Is there something in this passage that invites us...to a hope-filled discernment of what season God is calling me to enter next?"
"When I sit in my church and hear the congregation respond to the invitation to lift up our hearts, I breath anew the hope in Christ..."

“Blessed are you” moments are opportunities when you name what you see God gifting and doing in the life of another.

Praying “Come, Holy Spirit” expresses a level of humility that trusts the Holy Spirit to guide, reveal, and form my life and the lives of others.

I pray I might so receive the good news of Christ’s reign that I might live a barefooted life.

When we read scripture with the assumption we already know all that it has to teach us, our curiosity dies.

We remain the primary vehicle God uses to share Christ and the hope of salvation, both with our neighbors and the young ones in our care.

Our table time established relationships in a deeper way.

There are lessons we all seem to need to learn repeatedly, regardless of how obvious they may be.

In a deeper sense, we must review if our claims of being disciples of Jesus Christ are truly the center focus of our words and actions.