Has Money (or the lack thereof) Become an Idol?
Money is not evil... but we can take steps to maintain balance regarding finances in our lives.
Money is not evil... but we can take steps to maintain balance regarding finances in our lives.
One of the greatest expenses for a family or business today is health care. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the cost for a typical employer-provided group health plan for a family of four is $22,000 annually.[1]
Before we can plan a post-retirement budget, we need to estimate future expenses.
He believed himself called, especially, to higher education and its administration.
The prayers of scripture and the promises of God are for a gathered people and cannot be fully realized in isolation.
In my church I can see a difference in the spiritual growth of those who serve and those who do not.
Two of the most popular cross-platform messaging apps are WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
Planning for the effects of inflation in your retirement savings strategy is critical.
What you would accomplish is a completely tax-free way to retire student debt while saving for retirement.