Retired Ministers and Missionaries Hold Retreat in Branson

2022 news 5Almost 150 retired ministers, missionaries, spouses, and others from 19 states gathered October 3-5, 2022, for relaxation, inspiration, and fellowship at the 2022 Association of Retired Ministers and Missionaries (ARMM) retreat in Branson, Mo. One retired pastor drove more than 600 miles from Wisconsin to participate. Afterward, he said, “I really needed this.”

P&B Executive Director
Kevin P. Gilmore speaks
at the October 2022
Retreat of ARMM
participants in Branson.
Psychologist Dr. Norm Henry was the featured speaker. Music was provided by Wayne Rice and Dr. Steve Betts. Pensions and Benefits USA (P&B) Executive Director Kevin P. Gilmore, also spoke to the group. P&B is a sponsor of the retreat, which usually meets every other year, but skipped 2021 because of COVID-19.

ARMM President William Duke said, “Everything went well, and we were pleased with the number of participants.” He added that audio of the services is available at this link and a DVD or CD is available for $5 by contacting him at

The next ARMM retreat is scheduled for October 2024.